May 6, 2021                                                                                                 

Washington D.C. –Today, ConsensusDocs and Document Crunch are announcing a strategic collaboration that will benefit users of both platforms

ConsensusDocs contracts are developed by a coalition of 41 leading industry associations representing owners, contractors, subcontractors, designers, and sureties. ConsensusDocs contracts further the best interests of the project rather than a singular party, yielding better project results and fewer disputes.  Document Crunch, curated by legal professionals and risk management experts in the construction industry, harnesses state of-the-art artificial intelligence/machine learning technology to quickly identify what curators believe are the most important provisions in contract documents, and to also provide key insights and rationale, as well as sample contract provisions and other language. The context gained from using Document Crunch empowers users in the construction industry to better understand risks during bidding, make better decisions as to risk during negotiations, and to better administrate day to day issues on construction projects.

According to Brian Perlberg, Executive Director of ConsensusDocs “Our users can highlight the most important risks in modified standard contracts as well as bespoke contracts quickly and efficiently using Document Crunch. And like clear and understandable contracts, Document Crunch helps foster better communications and contract administration”

“Document Crunch’s mission is to solve the construction industry’s major shortfalls when it comes to understanding risks in construction contracts and other project documents” said Josh Levy, Document Crunch’s CEO & Co-Founder.  “The collaboration with ConsensusDocs is a major milestone as it allows our users access to ConsensusDocs’ standard clauses, which are widely considered to be fair and reasonable contract terms.  This should serve to guide contractors of any size and scope to adopt a better understanding of what good looks like, and to level up when it comes to understanding contracts.”


ConsensusDocs are the only contracts endorsed by 41 leading design and construction industry organizations.  With a library of 100+ contract documents addressing all methods of project delivery, ConsensusDocs incorporates fair risk allocation and best practices to represent the projects best interests.  Coalition members represent design professionals, owners, contractors, subcontractors, and sureties (DOCS).  For more information, please visit or email

Document Crunch is the AI powered contract review solution for the construction industry.    For more information, please visit or email