December 10, 2014

December 10, 2014


WASHINGTON – ConsensusDocs announces that since September 2007 nearly $250,000 worth of standard contracts have been donated for charitable and educational uses.

“The primary mission of the ConsensusDocs Coalition is to improve the industry,” states Brian Perlberg, Executive Director of ConsensusDocs, “Providing complimentary documents to charitable organizations, educational institutions, and others working to educate and improve the industry falls within that mission.”

More than 2,500 subscription packages have been donated to this effort, and nearly 60,000 contracts have been used for the educational and real-life projects around the nation.

“I am proud to work with a Coalition that not only provides fair and balanced contracts for ACCA members and other stakeholders, but also helps the industry and our future industry leaders,” states Hilary Atkins, 2014 Chair of the ConsensusDocs Business and Marketing Advisory Council and General Counsel and Senior Vice President, Finance and Administration for the Air Conditioning Contractors of America.

If you know of an educational institution or charitable organization that could benefit from complimentary use of ConsensusDocs standard contracts, please fill out the ConsensusDocs online. Educators can request pdf’s of the contracts or complimentary subscriptions whereby students can access the contracts via the cloud to practice contract negotiations and project-specific modifications.

ConsensusDocs standard contracts provide a fair and balanced option, written and endorsed by 40+ organizations representing designers, owners, contractors, subcontractors, and sureties. Users receive a comprehensive set of contracts via a cloud-based technology platform that provides 24/7, anytime, anywhere access with easy editing in Microsoft Word®. Simply put… ConsensusDocs help you build a better way! For more information, visit
