April 22, 2013
WASHINGTON – ConsensusDocs released the new ConsensusDocs 247 Owner & Consultant Agreement today, which provides an industry standard contract for an owner who wants to retain a consultant on a construction project. The agreement was crafted to provide a good contractual base for a variety of consulting arrangements, including interior design, inspection, industrial hygiene, retrofits, procurement and many others.
“This new document between owner and consultant fills the need for a fair and balanced, industry-standard contract that protects owners and consultants alike in helping to ensure both parties understand their roles and responsibilities,” states, Phil E. Beck, Esq., Partner at Smith Currie & Hancock LLP.
As with all ConsensusDocs contract documents, the new agreement uses a plain English writing style that facilitates contract interpretation and administration. This agreement takes a project-first approach and promotes collaboration, communication and integration, which inhibits contractual silos that impede efficiency. This document not only contains standard contract provisions, but also provides the flexibility for the unique nature of services provided by a consultant.
The agreement furthers the ConsensusDocs Coalition’s goals of writing fairer contracts to facilitate better project results with less litigation, while retaining a project-first philosophy that provides Owners an active role in the construction process.
ConsensusDocs are the only standard contracts written and endorsed by 38 leading design and construction industry associations. For more information, visit