The ConsensusDocs 200.2 is intended to be used as an addendum (additional document) to a ConsensusDocs prime construction contract agreement. It helps parties establish a protocol for protecting digital information, clarify that such digital information is for informational purposes only and establish who is responsible for ensuring the protection of the information.

Included in:

Full Package, Owner Package, Design/Builder Package, Sub Contracting Package, Design Pro Package


This contract document is to be used as an addendum (additional document) to a ConsensusDocs prime construction contract agreement. The purpose of this contract document is to help the parties establish a protocol for protecting digital information and clarify that such digital information is for information purposes only and establish who is responsible for ensuring the protection of the information. Digital information includes information such as  emails, electronically shared documents, or any information that is shared and relied upon for information purposes only. This document determines acceptable formats and transmission methods for securing information transfer of electronic communications and acceptable technologies for a construction project. Building information modeling (BIM), project websites, and overall IT management and administration for a construction project are all covered in this very flexible document. Parties opt-in to appropriate levels of technology reliance for project requirements. Keeping information secure is essential to ensuring trust and a positive relationship between parties.

Purchase Options

See Below To Find Out Which Packages Include This Contract

Full Package

Best Value!

Design / Builder
Design Pro
Short Forms