The ConsensusDocs 200.5 is intended to be used as an addendum (additional document) to a ConsensusDocs prime construction contract agreement when three parties are involved. This contract document specifies the intended scope of work included under the contract document, responsibilities of each party, duration, cost of the process, payments, confidentiality, assignment, termination, relationship of the parties,

Included in:

Full Package, Owner Package, Design/Builder Package


This contract document is to be used as an addendum (additional document) to a ConsensusDocs prime construction contract agreement when three parties are involved. This contract document specifies the intended scope of work included under the contract document, responsibilities of each party, duration, cost of the process, payments, confidentiality, assignment, termination, relationship of the parties, establishment, operations, composition, qualifications, and formal process of the DRB. This contract document addresses the admissibility of a DRB’s findings and formal report. Development of this DRB document included the active participation of volunteers active in the Dispute Review Board Foundation (DRBF). Use of this DRB document is intended to help parties resolve potential disputes at the project level, before they require litigation or arbitration. Use of this document helps avoid/resolve disputes, resulting in a decrease of claims, decrease in costs and time overruns, which builds positive relationships leading to a more efficient project.

Purchase Options

See Below To Find Out Which Packages Include This Contract

Full Package

Best Value!

Design / Builder
Design Pro
Short Forms