The ConsensusDocs' 721 is a statement of qualifications used by Subcontractors to provide information, such as qualifications, references, performance history and safety record, for a specific project. 

Included in:

Full Package, Owner Package, Design/Builder Package, Sub Contracting Package, Design Pro Package, Consultant Package, Short Forms


This statement of qualifications is used by Subcontractors to provide information, such as qualifications, references, performance history and safety record, for a specific project. Qualifications include information that pertains to a Subcontractor’s past projects, experience, current projects, business structure, bonding capacity, personnel, references, financial information, licensing, and safety program. Includes Exhibits A, B and C. This standard Subcontractor qualifications form questionnaire is incorporated in many of the leading prequalification’s applications in the construction industry.

Purchase Options

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Full Package

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Design / Builder
Design Pro
Short Forms

Case Studies

Client Success Stories Using This Contract

ConsensusDocs is about much more than just producing model documents — it’s about changing the way that the construction industry thinks about contracts and contract negotiation. The question is: Where should negotiations start? The ConsensusDocs documents are a good answer for contractors and subcontractors. Early on, ConsensusDocs made a decision that its process for developing contract language for the industry would be transparent and inclusive and their collaborative approach may also inspire others to re-think the old, stereotyped ‘push risk to the weakest party’ approach to negotiating contracts.

E. Colette Nelson, Chief Advocacy Officer, American Subcontractors Association Inc. (ASA), Alexandria, VA