WASHINGTON D.C. – Today, the ConsensusDocs Coalition is publishing a new standard contract with integrated general conditions for a public works project. ConsensusDocs tailored the terms and conditions and oriented them for public works owner projects that use state public funding or federal financial assistance. This new standard contract document is expected to be particularly helpful for local and state governments that are looking to use an off-the-shelf contract solution.
The ConsensusDocs 210 is based on the same fair and balanced, best practice principles as the previously-published ConsensusDocs 200 agreement, but is tailored to public works projects, especially those that are highly-engineered construction projects, such as water and wastewater facilities. The intent of this agreement is to provide a ConsensusDocs standard document specifically tailored to public works infrastructure projects.
“Creating a standard contract tailored for public works will help public owners get the best prices from the best general contractors, especially on underground projects where site conditions are potentially involved,” comments Charles Surasky, Chair of the ConsensusDocs working group that created the document and Partner at Smith, Currie and Hancock LLP in Atlanta, GA.
In support of the ConsensusDocs 210, the Coalition is also publishing the ConsensusDocs 271 Instruction to Bidders on Public Works. This new, standard instructions document will benefit all stakeholders to public projects.
One of the distinctions in public projects is that the engineer is more likely (than on vertical construction) to be the lead design professional on the project. Originally, the agreement was going to include exhibits to comply with federal regulations, but based on owner feedback, it was determined that it would best serve the industry for individual agencies to create their own supplements. The agreement is drafted so as to be flexible to meet public local, state and federal projects.
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