No complete contract series included

No documents from the CM At-Risk (500) or Public-Private-Partnership (900) series included

The Express Package Per Document subscription primarily contains a limited assortment of short-form contracts for small construction projects, as well as administrative documents. In addition to annual subscription license fee, there is extra charge for each finalization of a document for signature (see Per Document Pricing Chart for details on the documents included and the cost per document). This package is for a practitioner who only anticipates using a document seldomly. Most subscribers will find the Express Package or other subscription packages a better value because they include an unlimited use of the documents included in the subscription during the one-year subscription.

Total Docs Included: 35

Total Docs Not Included: 81


First user license

Each additional user license







10+ user licenses: Please contact us at 866-925-DOCS (3627) for volume pricing.

Included in this package: