July 31, 2020

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  

ConsensusDocs Coalition Announces the 2020 Drafting Council Officers

Washington, D.C. – ConsensusDocs, a coalition of 40 design and construction industry associations, announced its recently elected 2020 Contract Content Advisory Council Leadership (Drafting Council) Officers.  Charles ‘Chuck’ Hardy, Acting Chief Architect at GSA Public Building Services, Trustee for Construction Users Roundtable (CURT) was elected as Chair.  Sean Calvert Esq., Partner at Calvert & Menicucci Law was elected as Vice Chair.  Mr. Calvert represents ASA (American Subcontractors Association) on the Drafting Council.  Much appreciation is due for our outgoing Chair Robert Majerus of Hensel Phelps who gave generously with his time, energy and expertise.

“I am pleased to be continuing my involvement with ConsensusDocs” states Vice Chair Sean Calvert.  “ConsensusDocs’ focus on being responsive to industry trends and changes and publishing balanced contract documents that try to protect the interests all segments of the industry is particularly meaningful in the current contracting climate.  I am honored by the trust that the industry has given me.”

Each one of the participating organizations of ConsensusDocs Coalition possesses an equal vote in approving proposed industry standard contract documents. The Chair and Vice Chair help facilitate each organization’s voice to be heard in creating fair documents that benefit the A/E/C industry as whole rather than a segment of the industry.


ConsensusDocs standard construction contracts are the only contracts written and endorsed by 40 construction organizations that collectively represent over 300,000 companies and individuals.  With a catalog of 100+ contract documents addressing all project delivery methods, ConsensusDocs contracts incorporate fair risk allocation and best practices to represent a project’s best interests. The Coalition’s organizations collectively represent hundreds of thousands of design professionals, owners, contractors, subcontractors, and sureties. For more information, please visit www.ConsensusDocs.org, call 866-925-DOCS (3627) or email support@ConsensusDocs.org.