June 10, 2009

It is now easier for construction companies to work on federal government construction projects. Today, an industry-wide coalition, ConsensusDOCSTM, is publishing a new contract agreement written to specifically address the complexities of federal subcontracting. At a time when the stimulus and other federal construction programs are rapidly expanding, general and specialty contractors will benefit from using the first standard subcontract to address new complex contractual rules and regulations for federal government projects.

“With America looking to the construction community to rebuild our economy and restore our hope, the last thing we want is contractors being excessively burdened by complex rules and regulations,” said Tom Kelleher, Senior Partner in Smith, Currie & Hancock LLP and Chair of the national coalition of associations who wrote and endorse the new standard contract. “The new ConsensusDOCS federal subcontract will keep needed construction projects from getting tangled up in red tape.”

The new document, known as ConsensusDOCS 752 – Subcontract for Federal Government Construction Projects, addresses the terms and conditions needed for subcontractors and contractors to comply with Federal Acquisition Regulations, Kelleher noted. He added that the contract also addresses new legal and ethical requirements pertaining to the legal status of employees, complying with ethics rules, as well as federal Prompt Pay Act requirements.

Kelleher added that the document was written, reviewed and approved by a team of professionals representing every part of the construction process, including contractors, subcontractors, owners and sureties.

“There is no need to reinvent the wheel every time someone wants to engage a subcontractor or work as a subcontractor on a federal government construction project,” Kelleher said.

ConsensusDOCS contracts are the first and only industry standard contracts written and endorsed by 22 leading construction organizations. Offering a catalog of more than 90 contract documents covering all methods of project delivery, ConsensusDOCS contracts utilize best practices to represent the project’s best interests. Endorsing organizations represent Designers, Owners, Contractors, Subcontractors, and Sureties. For more information or to download excerpted samples, please visit ConsensusDOCS.org.