September 6, 2018

The ConsensusDocs 305 is an industry first document to facilitate lean tools without the need to sign a multi-party IPD agreement. 

September 6, 2018

The ConsensusDocs Coalition Publishes A New Lean Addendum

The ConsensusDocs 305 is an industry first document to facilitate lean tools without the need to sign a multi-party IPD agreement

Washington, D.C. – Today, the ConsensusDocs Coalition is publishing the industry’s first Lean Addendum standard contract document. The ConsensusDocs 305 utilizes lean tools and processes without an Integrated Project Delivery (IPD) agreement. Not all owners may procure design and construction services with an IPD or integrated lean project delivery (ILPD) agreement. The Lean Addendum provides a contractual mechanism for owners, architects, engineers, general contractors, and subcontractors alike to take advantage of lean construction efficiencies and memorialize in writing a more collaborative and cooperative culture on projects.

Joe Cleves, partner at Taft law firm in Cincinnati, who served as chair for the ConsensusDocs Coalition working group that developed the Lean Addendum, explained “this new standard addendum is perfect for all stakeholders involved in the design and construction process interested in incorporating lean processes on CM At-Risk projects.” He added, “publication of this document will benefit the industry in adopting lean tools, which have a demonstrated increase in construction productivity.” The ConsensusDocs Coalition was first to publish a standard IPD agreement in 2007.

The Lean Addendum is significantly shorter than other integrated forms of agreement (IFOAs), such as the ConsensusDocs 300 standard IPD agreement. The ConsensusDocs 305 coordinates well with a CM At-Risk agreement as the underlying prime agreement, such as the ConsensusDocs 500 CM At-Risk agreement. Many would characterize the use of a CM At-Risk agreement with the Lean Addendum as an “IPD-lite,” “IPDish,” or “transitional” IPD agreement.

ConsensusDocs will host a free webinar on September 28 at 1pm ET “Lean Contracting Practices without an IPD Contract and the New ConsensusDocs Lean Addendum”. Register at


ConsensusDocs standard construction contracts are the only contracts written and supported by a coalition of leading design and construction industry organizations. With a catalog of 100+ contract documents addressing all project delivery methods, ConsensusDocs contracts incorporate fair risk allocation and best practices to represent a project’s best interests. The Coalition’s organizations collectively represent hundreds of thousands of design professionals, owners, contractors, subcontractors, and sureties. For more information, please visit, call 866-925-DOCS (3627) or email